Sunday, April 13, 2014

Parents: Summary of April 7 - 11, 2014

75 degrees, breezy, and my windows are open. I love this time of year (when it is not raining). I had to pay to get into the park on Saturday and that is a sure sign spring has sprung.

Speaking of spring, our spring choir concert is part of Union County's Fine Arts Day and is Saturday, May 10 at 5:30 in the High School Auditorium.

5th grade students finished up talking about band instrument choices this week.  We talked about the baritone, tuba, and percussion instruments this week.

4th grade has started working on additive songs - songs that get longer with each verse.  The Twelve Days of Christmas is probably the most famous example of an additive song.  Ask your child about the yodeling Austrian.

3rd grade kids worked with Fifty Nifty and added motions to the words north, south, east, west.  This could be a good time to talk with your child about these words in real life - "we are driving north to Richmond" or "the sun is in my eyes because we are driving west in the evening".

2nd grade added 13 different instruments to the Counting Up the Dinosaurs song.  Ask your child which instrument they liked the best.

1st grade started watching the movie "Beethoven Lives Upstairs".  We watched the first 25 minutes this week and will watch the last 25 minutes next week.  Ask your child if they would like Beethoven to live in your house.

Kindergarten kids worked on songs for kindergarten grandparents day, listened to the song Rubber Blubber Whale, read Dear Mr. Blueberry, and played an instrument called the egg shakers. Next week we will make our own egg shakers.

We finished up Symphony #7 and Potato Creek State Park in our Beethoven video project.  We might have to double up movements to get the remaining two symphonies in by the end of the year.

~Mrs. Migoski
mandi (at)

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