Saturday, January 18, 2014

Parents: Summary of January 13-17, 2014

It was great to have an entire week of school.  I got to see everyone and Mrs. Migoski did some really interesting things with rubber bands.  All the classes talked about the string family of instruments.  Some classes even got to make a string instrument out of a book, rubber bands, and a stick!  Next week, the woodwind family!

In every music class, someone from the class gets to go to the computer castle and work with a program called Music Ace.  There is a great free demo of this program at

The Beethoven video of the week remained Symphony #5, the 1st Movement to give every class a chance to see it.  The featured park was Brookville Lake.

Musical Review:

Ask your child to explain what makes an instrument a member of the string family.  Is it really a string?

How many string instruments can your child name?  Were you surprised by his/her answers?  A couple of the more unusual ones we talked about were the Lyre and the Hurdy Gurdy.  The piano is also a string instrument.

Mrs. Gray's class:  Ask your child to sing Lucy Locket to you.