Sunday, January 26, 2014

Parents: Summary of January 20 - 24.

It was another crazy week at LES.  All the delay days meant that 4th and 5th graders did not have specials.  We will try to catch up next week.  The kids who did have music talked about the woodwind family of instruments.  Here is a picture of me (Kit) with some of the woodwinds we talked about:

From left to right:  clarinet, recorder, flute, and saxophone.  As you can see, woodwinds do not have to be made out of wood.  Basically, they are tubes with many holes that are opened or closed to change the sound.  Next week, on to the brass family and a visit from that famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil!

Parents of 4th and 5th grade students:  Don't forget about the Drum Clinic opportunity.  If your child is interested, permission forms and money are due February 7.

The Beethoven video of the week was Symphony #5, 2nd Movement.  The featured park was Brookville Dam.  

Mrs. Townsend's class enjoyed a popcorn party on Friday.  

Musical Review:

Ask your child to name a woodwind instrument and explain what makes an instrument a member of the woodwind family.  Does it have to be made of wood?  

Mrs. Ashbrook's class:  Ask your child to sing Phoebe.

Mrs. Ross' class:  Ask your child to sing Wee Willie Winkie.

Remember, your child is welcome to email me (Kit the Doll) at  
