Sunday, February 9, 2014

Go Team USA!

Hi Kids,

Do you think we can go to school all week without any snow days or delays?  I hope so, I don’t like it when I don’t get to see you.  It will be spring again someday, right?

Are you ready for Valentine’s Day?  I just love those little Valentine cards.  Will you make one for me?  Mrs. Migoski and I made a Valentine box for me.  The box used to have Cheezits in it.  I love Cheezits.  

Have you been watching the Olympics?  The winter games only happen once every four years, you know.  What grade will you be in during the next Winter Olympics?  How old will you be?

Dolls that came to visit last week were:
Kit and Saige

Dolly Smith and Kit

Molly, Kit, and Chloe

Kit and Kaya

Gabe, Kit, and Gabriella

Kaylee and Kit

Lacy and Kit

Kit and Nicki

Kit and Caroline
Stay warm everyone.  This winter has to end sometime.
