Here is a picture of me on Mrs. Migoski's driveway last week:
And here I am in the same spot seven days later:
Whoo hoo! I rock. Mrs. Migoski said that I shouldn't get too excited. It is still February and winter is not over. I did go outside without a coat on Saturday afternoon. It felt wonderful!
I had a great time at Jump Rope for Heart.
Here are the friends that came to visit last week:
Mia and Kit
Fall and Kit
Julia and Kit
Molly and Kit
Stella and Kit
Kit at Jump Rope for Heart
I wonder what exciting thing will happen this week? Maybe I can go to art class. I think I would be good with paint.
Have a good week. Remember to read every night. I love to read. My favorite book is Laura Ingalls Wilder's The Long Winter.