Sunday, April 27, 2014

I'm so busy!

Hi Everyone!

I had such a busy weekend!  I went to Mrs. Migoski's son's piano recital at Miami University. 

I got to try the piano.

It is harder than it looks.

Tristan did a good job. This is what he sounded like:

I also helped Mrs. Migoski plant a garden this weekend.  

I will try to post pictures of how the garden is doing as it begins to grow.

Here are the dolls who came to visit me for the first time last week:
Kit and Lola

Kit and Olive

Kit, Isabella, Isabella, and Kylie

Kit and Isabel

Sammy and Kit
 And look who came back to visit!  It's Shannon!

Have a great week.  Stay dry!  I heard it is supposed to rain this week.
