Sunday, March 16, 2014

Parents: Summary of March 10 - 14, 2014

It was a busy week at LES.  Testing, the COSI field trip, the kindergarten led pep rally kept us all busy. One week left until spring break.  

I accompanied the fifth graders on their overnight field trip to the COSI Museum in Columbus, OH on Thursday and Friday.  We had a great time and I'm so glad that our students have this opportunity. The kids seemed to enjoy the Ocean exhibit and the Progress exhibit the most.  My group went to both of those areas twice.  Kit the Doll went with us.  Check the student section of this blog for pictures of Kit enjoying the museum for the next few weeks.

The fourth and fifth grade classes worked with Mrs. Brannam on the musical alphabet while I helped with the testing most mornings.  

Third graders should be able to sing from Alabama to Nevada in the states song.

Second grade sang songs about crocodiles and learned the songs that tell a story are called ballads.  Ask your child what happened in the ballad about the crocodile and the lady on the Nile River.

First graders listened to a song that tells the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff without every saying a word.  Ask your child to show you their troll face and how each of the three goats moves.

Kindergarten kids continued to work with the xylophones and Papa Bear/Mama Bear/Baby Bear songs.  We also learned the Beach Day Chant Game in anticipation of Beach Day.

Mrs. Paluch's class earned a popcorn party this week.

The Beethoven video of the week was Symphony #7, the 1st Movement.  The featured park was Potato Creek State Park.

Remember, your child can write to Kit the Doll at ucleskit at gmail dot com and a demo of the Music Ace program we use in the computer castle is available at:

~Mrs. Migoski